Thursday, January 10, 2008

How technology has changed my life

Technology has been around for many years,but now it has changed from good to even better then before.I like technology in this time because the computers are way faster now.My teacher said that back then it takes 2 min to get to one page and that really slow. Back then the color of t.vs were black and white.Now our t.vs are colored so that it looks a lot better then before.Back then cars were really old looking and now our cars are really good looking.Our cars have colors on them now,and back then they were only on type of color for a car.The color was black or white.Technology is a lot better now because i don't think nothing can go faster than a computer now. In a year or two Technology will get even better then now and it would go really fast.
If i had to live in the past with slow computer and black and white cars i would be really sad. If the people in the past were still alive they would be happy in this time because a lot of things are way faster and if they wanted a car they could have a lot of choices to choose from. The type of technology that i have is a i pod,computer,t.v,and a game systems.Well I'm done talking about how technology has changed my life.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My favorite activity

My most favorite activity is computer class. This is why i like computer class,because its really fun to play with computers. All my other class are not really that fun because they don't let us go on the computer.Even if you make us work on the computer, its still fun. The only thing i don't like about this class is that people talk a lot. It hurts my head really badly. People should stop talking for a while.Well I'm done talking about my favorite activity, hope u like it!